The first review...

It’s always a bit nerve-wracking to read a published review of one of my books, so it was with a bit of anxiety that I read the first one of Beni’s War, which will be published in November, 2020. Thankfully, it was a lovely review!

Kirkus Reviews wrote: 1970s Israel is fully realized with loving attention to detail, and subplots about daily human concerns further round out the characters…Readers coping with shattered contemporary realities will recognize themselves in a child’s fears and growing empathy.

My favorite part of the review was this passage: But life goes on, even in a national crisis. Beni learns about fixing cars, becomes friends with the boys who were once his enemies, and always, always, worries about Motti. 

I hope Kirkus inspires you to read Beni’s War, and if you do, please post a review!

More later,
