Moving and parties

We're moving (again) this Friday. Nothing serious, same zip code, but I've realized that I underestimated what a huge pain moving is, even when it's down the street. I also realized that this will be our 9th move in 14 years...Please forgive me if I'm away for a few days as we get the new house squared away.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a couple of photos from a costume party Fred and I went to on Sunday. I don't know the last time I dressed up in, maybe? What was I waiting for?! Costumes parties rock! Fred is wearing his grandfather's World War II jacket and shirt. I had to watch about fifteen different youtube videos before I got the hang of victory rolls, but I love it. I think I might wear my hair like that more often. What do you think?

Wish us luck on this move!

More later,